SUPERMARKET giant Sainsbury’s is calling for a judicial review after Wiltshire Council chose its rival, Tesco, for a new supermarket in Marlborough.

Sainsbury’s had told town planners it intended to submit plans for a store just before they were due to approve those put forward by Tesco in March.

Campaigners had been pushing for months for the Tesco plan to be backed.

A Sainsbury’s spokesman said it was led to believe by Wiltshire Council that both applications would be considered.

“We feel we have no other option than to consider legal action over this matter,” he said.

"[Sainsbury’s] know from our consultation that many residents in Marlborough are eager for a new food store and we feel that they should be given more than one option.

“We firmly believe that councillors should have the opportunity to properly assess which proposal best meets the recognised need for a new store.”

A council spokesman confirmed it had received a letter from Sainsbury’s saying it was considering legal action.

The spokesman said: “Wiltshire Council is currently considering the contents of the letter and will respond to Sainsbury’s shortly.”