COMMUNITY safety agencies are urging people to be aware of the risk of burglary as the weather warms up.

Residents should imagine how their property looks from a burglar’s point of view and secure doors and windows that can make their home an easy target for a thief.

Inspector Mark Sellers, from Swindon Police, said: “Nine out of 10 burglaries are opportunistic, with burglars on the look out for that open window or door.

“I would urge people to be aware of the risks because by taking simple steps to keep their homes safe, residents can reduce their risk of being burgled this summer.”

Contact the police on 0845 408 7000, or 999 in an emergency, if you see anyone behaving suspiciously. For a copy of the Lock It Or Lose It leaflet visit, call 01793 466506, or visit the One Stop Shop at the council offices in Euclid Street.