THESE seven women make up just one of the teams taking part in this month's Relay for Life.

The team, who call themselves the Rockin Robins' is actually 15 strong and will join hundreds of others on the start line at Lydiard Park on September in the hope of making some difference to cancer sufferers worldwide.

Maria Bathe, 38, from Pinehurst Road who organised the team of friends, family and work colleagues says she is confident that they can make a difference.

"I have known several people suffer from cancer and it is an awful condition and I think we all hope that when we are taking part in events like this that we are doing some good, who knows perhaps in a few years time there maybe a cure available for some cancers."

The Relay for Life will see the team of 15 taking it in turns to do a lap of a 400m track and with 15 runners it means they shouldn't have to do too many laps during the 24-hour race.

"We are all very excited about taking part," said Maria. "We have already raised over £1,000 and confident of adding to that over the coming two weeks."

At 10pm on the day, candles will be lit around the course as part of the Candle of Hope ceremony.

For more information about the Relay for Life contact Tania O'Halloran on 01793 485448.