TOURISM has come under the spotlight in Swindon.

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson visited the Outlet Village as part of Tourism Week.

It was part of a national campaign to support preparations for hosting the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, which are expected to attract an extra four million visitors to the country over the next four years, Mr Tomlinson, designer outlet centre manager Tina Cumpstey, the Hotelier Forum and Forward Swindon, in conjunction with Visit Wiltshire, met last week, to ensure Swindon gets a slice of the extra visitors by improving features such as the Visit Wiltshire website.

Mr Tomlinson said: “In Swindon, we have a fantastic retail offering with the town centre and the Outlet Village and also things such as the Oasis redevelopment, which will bring in hundreds of thousands of visitors which the Outlet Village will be hoping to hold on to beyond their primary visit.

“It will bring jobs and much needed investment into our town.

“Swindon is in a prime location and, working in conjunction with our neighbours in Wiltshire, we will make sure we have every chance of benefitting from these additional visitors to the UK.

“I will continue to work with these organisations to do what we can to make sure we get our slice of the growing numbers.”