A CONTROVERSIAL experimental ban on drivers leaving and entering Queensfield at certain hours should stay in place for good, according to supporting residents.

A 12-month traffic order preventing motorists from turning into Queensfield from Cricklade Road between 7.30am and 9.30am Monday to Friday and turning out of Queensfield on to Cricklade Road between 4.30pm and 6.30pm Monday to Friday started on Feb-ruary 20.

Earlier this week, the Adver reported that the council had decided to keep the ban in place until at least July despite a petition from nearby residents to stop it.

But a group of residents living on the affected route, who have signed a petition in support of the ban, say they want it to stay because it has made living in the estate better.

Jim Duncan, who has lived on Queensfield for about 30 years, said: “Queensfield is a residential area with many children and elderly who are unable to cross the road safely.

“Residents are unable to get off their drives.

“Cars pass one after another with no respect for local residents, who have experienced road rage, abuse, damage to their property and cars.

“The road is not a main road as previously quoted and should not be expected to carry the volume of traffic that a road such as Cricklade Road was designed for.

“Many residents feel that the restriction does not go far enough but fear repercussions for airing their views in public “Police have assured us that the law will be enforced, and motorists will be prosecuted.”

Swindon Council has agreed to keep the order in place to allow data collection to continue and a decision will be made on July 20.

Residents say they have been campaigning for years for action, and they believe traffic has worsened due to the opening of Honda, the closure of the exit from A419 into Hyde Road, building in the north of the town and the opening of B&Q and they fear it will get busier in the future.

Jim said: “People living on the rat-run obviously want something done but people living off it say it is an inconvenience to them and they would rather not have anything done.

“It is the last great rat-run in Swindon and this has helped.

“Every time they allow a development on this side of town the chances are some of that development will use Queensfield as a rat-run.”

Councillor Joe Tray (Lab, St Philip) said: “The restrictions have been met with mixed reactions, those in support and those in opposition. As the elected representative for this ward, I have listened to residents who have had no action for years on the traffic issues.

“I would ask all residents to give support to this six- month experimental trial period as many have had to put up with the volume of traffic for years.

“I still feel there are viable alternatives to the restriction and believe the council should invest in these alternatives now to improve our road infrastructure for the whole of the north east of Swindon.”

Mavis Hale, Nerys Lewis, Margaret Jeffcott, Julie Murphy, and Enfys and Alan Coombes are just some of the other residents who have also been in touch to give their support to the ban.