THE Swindon Foodbank needs volunteers to help with a collection on Saturday.

The event takes place at Asda, in West Swindon, from 9am until 4pm and the charity needs people to help by distributing shopping lists and thank-you cards.

Project manager Lee Thompson said: “A nationwide survey showed one in five people live at the edge of their finances and the need for charities such as Foodbank is increasing.

“This year alone we have seen an increase in the number of people using our service in Swindon, with more struggling to make ends meet, even while working. With no funding or assistance from central or local government the Swindon Foodbank relies on people helping in their community.”

To help, email the group on office@ swindonfoodbank. or call Lee Thompson on 07932 108 732. Helpers are asked to get in touch by tomorrow.