I am sure many of you were as disappointed as I was to see Prime Minister Rishi Sunak do a hit-and-run visit to our town today.

He was whisked in, and interviewed by people not from Swindon, about issues not affecting Swindon, before quickly leaving again.

No invitations to the local press. No message for the town’s people. No chance to ask him meaningful questions.

While the pitfalls of juggling the demands of a General Election campaign have been well-publicised today, I fear Mr Sunak made another error in his visit to Swindon.

This was his chance, through the local newspaper that has represented this town since 1854 and is read by tens of thousands of Swindonians every day, to really get across his message and the policies that will improve the lives of this town's residents.

This was our chance to find out what Mr Sunak and his Government want to do to help Swindon in the future, and to explain their decisions in the past.

It was our chance as a town to get answers for the burning questions that many of us have.

We would have asked him about rising living costs and what they will do to curb this problem.

We would have asked him what will the Government do to help traders and local Government to restore our ailing high streets.

We would have asked him what he will do to help our NHS, in a town hit by long GP waits, non-existent dentist appointments and a hospital often bursting at the seams with patients.

This town deserves to be able to give straightforward questions and receive honest answers.

So I extend an open invitation to the Prime Minister to come visit us once more.

Visit the office and have a proper sit down with our reporter here at the Adver and really give us a real idea of what his party can do for Swindon.

There's plenty of parking and we're right by the M4. We’ll stick the kettle on and even get the posh biscuits out.