Make last bus later

I like to go up to old town to watch live music from time to time.

There is a thriving scene there. However the last number 11 Bus leaves old town at 11.08 before many concerts finish.

Would it not be possible to have a later bus, say 30 minutes later to connect with the last number 5 last service?

This would, for sure, make it a lot easier for many to enjoy the music, who live in central and Northern Swindon.

It would only need to be on Thursday to Saturday, as most of the concerts are on these days.

It is a shame such events are restricted to those who can afford taxis or live in Old Town. bus companies and council take note and do something.

Jonathan Sheldrake

Priam House


Help children caught in Sudan conflict

Kids for Kids is appealing for emergency funding to help families without any food, water and basic supplies in Darfur, Sudan.

Kids for Kids is the only organisation, working from the regional capital El Fasher, helping children in remote villages.

Emergency funding is essential to help provide for thousands of families in desperate need of food, water, shelter and medical care.

We are seeking emergency help for families who are desperately short of food and water.

They dare not leave their homes whilst fighting rages around them - battles have broken out across Darfur, not just in Khartoum.

Children are always the first to suffer when fighting erupts. The situation in Darfur has exacerbated an already dire situation where shortages across the country have led to many families struggling to feed their children.

In Darfur, conditions were already worse than we have ever known. Families need basic essentials including flour and seeds as well as repairs to broken water hand pumps.

Drinking water is in desperately short supply. Please consider donating at to support our life-saving work.

Kids for Kids' priority has always been to provide sustainable projects enabling people to help themselves. Thankfully, families living in the 110 villages we have already supported through Kids for Kids, especially with our goat loans and healthcare, will have a better chance of survival.

Women in labour do not dare to travel to hospital. We are calling for financial help for the Greatest Need so that we can respond wherever and whatever it is people beg us for.

We do not rely on international staff, whom other organisations have had to evacuate.

Supporting Kids for Kids' network of community volunteers is the best way to extend help to the remote villages of Darfur.

Your donation will help us provide essential care to the people of Darfur.

They are living in fear, and in desperate need of our help. We cannot turn our backs on them. We must act now to save lives.

Patricia Parker OBE,

CEO and Chairman of Trustees

Kids for Kids

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