Being a new driver is an interesting experience.

Half of you is full of excitement and the other half of you is terrified of the new opportunity you’re presented with.

This is a unanimous feeling wherever you learn to drive.

But those taking their test in Swindon can find it substantially tougher than other places around the UK.

Statistically speaking, Swindon is one of the hardest places to pass your driving test, with a pass rate of just 21.5 per cent, even with the exclusion of the Magic Roundabout from the big test.

To put this statistic in perspective, if you take your driving test in Lerwick there is a 70.1 per cent chance you will pass your test.

It has led some prospective drivers in the town to take their test elsewhere, such as Chippenham, where the pass rate is 48.5 per cent.

As someone who has recently passed their driving test first time in Swindon, I can confirm that it is one of the most daunting tests you’ll ever have to do.

Upon my arrival at the test centre, my instructor and examiner reminded me to keep left when turning out of the minuscule car park, which sounds obvious but apparently, it is a common case that drivers effectively fail before the test begins due to them leaving in the wrong lane.

This is a good example of how nerves can have a detrimental impact on your test.

While nerves are taken into account by examiners, and they do attempt to calm the student down, it remains a key factor in jeopardising people’s tests.

The difficulties of passing in Swindon could be a blessing in disguise, as it means that in the long run you will be a much more vigilant driver.

The amount of road closures and unfinished work around Swindon makes it hard to drive around ordinarily let alone pass a test.

A recent example is the road works along Meads Roundabout - a pivotal part of many test routes was disrupted due to this.

While it is something likely to happen in other towns or cities, the frequency of road work disruptions adds to the range of difficulties with driving around Swindon whether you are a learner or an established driver.

When you take a driving test, you spend 40 minutes following a route picked out by your examiner, most of which you will be following a satnav for.

You will then get pulled over at least three times, asked to do one of the main four parking manoeuvres as well as answering a verbal question regarding car maintenance and performing an action like putting fog lights on.

In theory, these tests are vital for ensuring that the roads remain a safe place for everyone.

However, you could argue that there is some unbalance in the system.

For instance, someone who is not a suitable driver could take their test in Swindon and fail, meaning that they must practice more before retrying and thus have to spend more money on these expensive tests and lessons.

However, the same person could take their test in a high pass rate zone and pass it on their first try, saving them money and valuable time.

The same can be applied to learner drivers who are not ready nor suitable to be legally independent road users.

And with waiting lists around four months long, for most learners it is vitally important they pass the first time as they risk of not having the time or money to wait so long, though many reviews of the Swindon test centre are positive.

How have you found learning to drive in Swindon?

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