A rugby team in Wiltshire have been given an award for their quick and heroic response to a car crash which “undoubtedly saved lives”.

The Trowbridge Women’s Rugby team, were the first at the scene when a car crashed on a secluded track opposite their training ground on August 9, 2023.

At just after 8.40pm, the team stopped their training and crawled through bushes and over a fence to get to the overturned car where four passengers – two aged 16- were seriously injured.

Two female passengers had climbed out of the vehicle and two males were stuck inside.

Without hesitation, the rugby team assisted in safely removing all passengers from the car and realising the extent of their injuries, one player who was a nurse organised the team to provide vital first aid.

“The degree of injuries was traumatic and life-threatening – but what happened next has undoubtedly saved lives,” said a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

The team used quick thinking to control the bleeding of one of the males by creating a makeshift tourniquet out of shirts and shoe laces.

The women’s rugby team supported the heads of two other casualties who were only 16 years old, and used emergency bandages, cut-up clothes and items from the crash site to help control the injuries until emergency services could arrive.

Team members guided ambulances to the scene and continued to assist even after they arrived by transporting medical kits, holding IV lines and offering reassurance to the young casualties.

“Without their assistance, this could have very easily been a fatal. It was a fantastic effort by this rugby team in assisting,” added a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

In an award ceremony held by the police force in Devizes on Monday, January 29, the six women from the Trowbridge Women’s Rugby team were hailed as ‘true heroes’.

“The Force were delighted to honour the team members incredible actions that evening,” said a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

“Individually and collectively their efforts helped to save the lives of the young people injured.

“During the incident, they showed innovation, compassion, and a genuine desire to help members of their community.

“This was recognised with the Chief Constable's Certificate of Recognition Award.”

Trowbridge Women’s Rugby Club added: “To the women involved, the bravery and teamwork you showed was amazing. Not all heroes wear capes. They also wear rugby shirts.”