Watching new people fall in love with cricket has been an exciting part of the newly-formed women’s team at Swindon Cricket Club.

The club launched their first women-specific team in February, a soft-ball side that is inclusive of people of all levels of experience and ability which was focused largely on the social element of the game as well as developing skills.

The team was brought in to help women in the Swindon area have a place to play cricket and also to discover the sport, with a view to entering soft-ball festivals over the summer.

Club chairperson Daniel Harris said that it has been very encouraging to see people who are new to cricket make it a core part of their week since the team was formed.

He said: “It has been something that we have tried to set up for a number of years and it has always been a bit chicken and egg with whether you commit to things.

“It has been great to see people who didn’t think cricket was for them develop an enjoyment for the game.

“They are very much playing on an enjoyment basis and they are not too worried about things, but to see them play with that ethos and then start to enjoy the game is heartening.

“I have got players who were parents of Colts players who I dragged in and they really weren’t sure about it and now they would say that coming to training and socialising is a key part of their week and that is brilliant.”

The side has been developing for the last few months and has its first game coming up soon as they get the chance to put their skills to the test but the development of the new team has been an exciting aspect for the whole club.

Harris said: “It has been a great addition to the club and what we can offer and they are a really great group of players and it has been very enjoyable to see that group coming together and improving.

“They haven’t had a game yet, their first one is coming up soon, but putting results aside, the social element is why the vast majority of people play cricket.

“We play it because we want to enjoy it and that is exactly what they are showing and they play it on that pure basis, which is really nice to see.”