Ayonla Oyinloye has been over-awed by the outpouring of support for him as he prepares to represent Team GB at the powerlifting World Championships.

Oyinloye will be heading to Malta this summer to represent Team GB at the powerlifting World Championships in the under-18 category, despite having just taken up the sport two-and-a-half years ago.

The 17-year-old posted on the Swindon Community Notice Board on Facebook to try and obtain sponsorship to help pay for him to compete in Malta and he couldn’t believe the response he received.

He said: “Ordinarily this can be very difficult but the post got a lot more attention than I was expecting.

“I was hoping for a handful of replies, but I have had people emailing me basically asking to give me money, I didn’t think that would ever happen.

“This has been huge, my faith in humanity has been restored – to get so many kind messages has been a very good motivator to do as well as I can because so many people are supporting me.”

Oyinloye said that he is excited about the challenge that lies ahead of him this summer as he looks to compete towards the top in his first major competition.

He said: “It is a pretty big opportunity for me, I have been lifting for several years and working towards this goal and it is a pretty big milestone that has been a goal of mine for a while.

“I first started lifting in Year 10 as part of my PE, I wasn’t very strong to begin with but I enjoyed doing it and I just kept with it.

“I had a friend who was also competing and we decided to join together and sign up for a competition, so I did my first competition in February 2023 and then I went to nationals after that.

“It has been a really rewarding journey but also very difficult and challenging, there have been a lot of ups and downs but I have had a lot of people helping me, which has been instrumental to my success.

“On nominations, I am nominated 15th out of the 34 lifters in Malta, which is decent, but I am aiming to get in the top ten.

“I have been posting my training and I want to help grow my social channels for slightly arrogant reasons but also to help inspire others to do what I am doing and other fitness goals.”