A Swindon wrestler is set to face off against a heavyweight champion.

‘Silverback’ Saime Sahin will challenge ‘Stallion’ Chris Bronson for the British Kingdom Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship at a match held at the Deanery Theatre in Wichelstowe on Saturday, September 7.

Chris will be accompanied by his mentor and wrestling legend,  Doug Williams, who has had championship reigns in TNA Wrestling, Ring of Honour, New Japan Pro Wrestling, and National Wrestling Alliance, amongst other organisations.

Swindon-born Saime’s love of wrestling started when he was six – and by his ninth birthday, he had already begun training in the sport.

He then went on to wrestle in the same show as the stars he grew up watching and step into the ring with childhood heroes like The Brian Kendrick.

Saime said: “I started watching WWE as a young kid, idolising Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, and Rey Mysterio.

“At nine, I began learning to wrestle at the 4FW (now British Kingdom Pro Wrestling) training school. The school has produced much of the top talent we see on the UK scene today.

“Unfortunately, Chris Bronson was also part of the class. We’ve never gotten on for whatever reason. I don’t think he was best pleased he had to travel to Swindon to train, but Bristol just didn’t have the training Swindon had to offer.

“I grew up watching Smackdown as The Brian Kendrick became one half of what was then the longest reigning WWE Tag Team champions of all time, and last month I tagged with him for the win.

“Getting to work alongside your heroes is fantastic, but I will be completely alone against Bronson and his mentor.

“That’s when I’ll really need the support of the fans, to help me claim the championship and bring it home to Swindon.”

Doors open at 5.30pm and the event itself begins at 6pm.

Tickets are available from britishkingdompro.com.

There is free parking at the academy along with a fully licensed bar and opportunities to purchase merchandise and in-ring photos.

Along with this heavyweight match, there will be a face off between ‘Italian Stallion’ Antonio De Luca and ‘The English Lion’ Eddie Ryan.