SINCE the end of July 2014, I have been a regular visitor to the Great Western Hospital for various tests, consultations and treatment. I have nothing but praise for the excellent care given me at all levels and in all departments and thank the staff for their professionalism, care and compassion. The NHS has served me well.

I need to avoid infection during my illness so it is necessary for me to use my own transport to and from the hospital and this is where my gripe starts — parking and the cost. To date, this has mounted to £83 and this does not include the cost of parking for my husband when I was an inpatient for 20 days! Where does this money go? Parkare run it on behalf of the Trust, I believe, but does the money get back into the NHS system? The staff have car parking sites — where do they go when these are full? We rely on them being at work so cannot be surprised they have to use the main visitor car parks. Shifts do not always allow staff to use public transport so they are reliant on their own transport. They are ‘allowed’ a limited number of £1 parking days during the month but what happens the rest of the time? They end up paying full parking rates for the remainder of the month at work. Is it any wonder there is a shortage of staff when, in effect, they are paying to come to work?

My appointments are at differing times of the day and invariably there is a queue for parking and indeed, on several occasions, I have had to leave the search for a parking space to my husband whilst I make a dash to be on time for my appointment. We always aim to be at least ten minutes early but this is often not sufficient time to park when there are so many others trying to do the same in the inadequate car park. This all adds to the stress of being ill.

With talk of the hospital being extended and the proposed new radiotherapy unit, will there also be an extension to parking areas? I fear not and that the present parking facility will still be expected to fulfil the needs of the people travelling to the hospital for whatever reason.

SUE HARRIS Calder Close Swindon