MANY of your readers will have diabetes. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They are very different conditions but they both rely on the person with diabetes being able to manage the condition themselves.

The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust (IDDT) can help by supplying free information leaflets to your readers, especially those taking insulin. We are a charity formed by people who live with diabetes so we have experience and understanding of some of the day to day difficulties of living with the condition.

IDDT’s Newsletter offers clear, easily understandable information about many different aspects to living with diabetes. The October 2008 Newsletter contains articles about side effects of drugs and insulins, the new NICE Guidelines for the use of insulin infusion pumps, continuous glucose monitoring systems, testosterone deficiency in men, the effects of the menopause on women with diabetes and much more.

We are happy to send your readers the October Newsletter and free information leaflets. We are always here with a listening ear to offer support and understanding. They just need to contact us on 01604 622837, email or write to IDDT, PO Box 294, Nottingham, NN1 4XS.


Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust

PO Box 294
