NOW is the time to cut through the spin of the political parties.

Let's have representation in Westminster from a new party who really represent what the public think, not what the parties think you want to hear, and then do the opposite.

As an ex-councillor I know the ins and outs of politics.

Are our MPs doing a good job? Are you fed up with the way the country is being run?

Most MPs seem to have lost their way, profit and more profit seem to be what everyone in politics regards as the way forward, and untruths seem to pop out of politicians' mouths every five minutes.

Now is the time to cut through the spin of the major political parties.

The Minister for Health tells us the other day that the NHS service is in the best state since 1947.

I hardly think so with 7,000 nurses being sacked this year and another 7,000 next year.

In Swindon a woman who has recently had twin babies has one in Swindon hospital and the other in Portsmouth hospital due to a shortage of special care baby units hardly a top-notch NHS service I would say.

All the current parties are of the same mould. It is now time for a fresh face in politics.

There are great needs to be addressed, for example Railtrack Safety being non-profit making.

A crackdown on criminals hiding in this country from their own justice system.

Let's stop the mindless muddle of politicians and demand a straightforward, open and honest approach to politics.

Let's join together and begin a new future for us all.

Show the current politicians it is time for a new face in politics. We do not want another ten years of constant spin, with the British way of life in a downward spiral.

R J Harrison.
