MAY I through your columns correct a misrepresentation of my actions as a councillor?

I did not vote to double-charge council tenants for the estate warden/caretaker service.

I spoke in every forum against such double-charging, as did former Councillor Montaut, including at the scrutiny committee, where the Tory administration pack the committee to stifle opposition.

I attended the tenants' advisory meeting, though not a member, specifically to question the ethics of making a council tenant pay through their rent for a general service available to tenants and owner occupiers alike.

There is a public record of this held by the committee section of the borough council.

I did not vote for it at the rent-setting full council meeting.

How other Labour councillors correct this disinformation campaign is up to them.


(Labour Councillor, Western).

Ferndale Road, Swindon