AN open letter to all our politicians, if I may.

I watched a programme on ITV concerning a beautiful young lady called Kirsty Howard and the plight of all children's hospices.

It also mentioned the fact that only five per cent of all revenue needed was donated by our glorious Government, and the rest is raised by charity donations.

How can these pontificating windbags, who are elected to look after and represent ourselves, sleep at night?

Nine persons (with families) fly a third around the world to this country, break every law in a civilised country to be rewarded with everything we have worked hard to achieve in a lifetime.

The above has so far cost the British taxpayer £15,000,000.

What would the innocent legal charities give for this money.

When, oh when, is the Government of this country going to get its priorities right and think about the human rights of these kids before the rest of the world.

B F BEST Gorse Hill, Swindon