THE council will soon be considering its work programme for Overview and Scrutiny.

Overview and Scrutiny is the process which provides councillors from all political parties with the chance to review and scrutinise any decisions made by the council or indeed, any matter which affects the lives of Swindon's residents.

Its remit is therefore enormous but this also means it has huge potential to be able to look at the things that really matter to you.

As chair of Scrutiny, I would urge you to let our scrutiny department, your local councillor or myself know if there is an issue that is concerning you, from wobbly paving stones to your children's education, and it could find its way onto this year's coming agenda.

If you would like to submit your suggestion over the internet then visit and click on Scrutiny in the Have your say section.

COUN K SMALL Chair of Scrutiny Civic Offices Euclid Street Swindon