I TAKE issue with Tom Morton's sloppy article headlined "Family is here to stay" (SA May 26).

To state that Swindon is based on immigrants, whether from Gloucester, London or Wales stretches credibility.

A dictionary defines immigrant as a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. In other words a language, culture and mores alien to Britain.

The men who came from other parts of the UK were born and lived here and many would have fought and died in both world wars. To label them immigrants is an insult to their memory.

The problem with supporting a local family against deportation is that these genuine cases are reported a thousandfold throughout Britain with undoubtedly more to come.

This is England, not America and space is severely limited. We already have a crumbling infrastructure due to the sheer weight of immigration. This is reflected in the NHS, schools, roads, housing demand, water and overspilling prisons.

The Adver's response and calls from people favouring the Eltuyevs remaining here may in the end be cutting their own throats, so to speak.

