THE concern expressed by Jerry Reynolds in his letter, regarding the take-over by the American firm Kraft of Cadbury’s has not been reflected by the devious haughty (socialist?) Peter Mandelson, whose reassuring platitudes to Cadbury workers inevitably came to nothing.

Indeed no disclosure was given why Kraft could not obtain the loans from American banks to buy up Cadbury’s Although we were informed that Kraft were not a sound firm at the time, while able to obtain a loan from RBS to make the acquisition.

It appears that this bank although mainly owned by the British tax payers may yet still be backing “lame ducks”, old habits die hard!

The “disposal “of this old institutional firm was nothing but a disgrace, not only due to the greed of the Cadbury share holders who instigated it but equally the government for condoning it.

For some 13 years of New Labour ever increasing elements of British businesses have been taken over by foreign firms, including vital power and water services.

The prospect of newly constructed power stations will mainly be designed built and owned by the perfectious French - while that country (including India) does not permit their firms to be taken over by foreigners.

It appears that this once proud and great country is having a “closing down sale”.


Ringsbury Close
