Re: Closing the subway under Queens Drive WE would like to respond to Charley Morgan’s article from Tuesday, May 18 about the sisters’ plea to keep their lifeline open.

While we sympathise with the sisters’ phobia about busy roads, as residents of Kirby Close we support wholeheartedly the council’s decision to replace the subway with a toucan crossing due to the anti-social behaviour and vandalism we have suffered from gangs of youths hanging around the subway at night and at weekends.

If the sisters were residents of the Close they would understand. I am sure they would not appreciate their porch window being smashed twice within six months, their garden wall being kicked in, their car windscreen being smashed, the horrendous noise of mopeds zooming consistently through the subway at 4am, youths drinking alcohol and smashing the bottles all over the pathway and fires being set alight within the subway.

We would appreciate it if you could print the other side of the story in your newspaper as we would like the Magistrates’ Court to hear the residents’ point of view. Having discussed the topic with most of our neighbours we all agree that the subway should be closed.