I WOULD like to thank you for the excellent coverage of the multi agency ‘Sexual offences awareness conference’ in the May 27 publication.

The conference aimed to break down myths surrounding reporting of sexual offences and raise awareness of the options available to men, women and children who are the victims of such crimes. We feel that the Swindon Advertiser articles dealt with the issues both sensitively and in an informative manner.

I would like to clarify one point which was made in the article ‘Care comes first for the victims of sex attacks’ - paragraph six refers to the forensic examination of victims being filmed. This is incorrect and the examination is not filmed.

However, photographs of any visible injuries may be taken to enhance evidence for any later proceedings but only with the consent of the victim. It is important for victims to be aware of the procedures in order to feel confident to report the assault and it is for this reason that we wish to clarify the error in connection with the filming of the examination.

SARC, Wiltshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service are dedicated to supporting victims and would like to reassure victims that they will be given a professional and caring service.

Anyone who has been a victim of a sexual assault can ring the SARC 24 hour confidential advice line on 0808 168 0024 or Wiltshire Police on 0800 408 7000.

MRS JOOLS JAMES - KEMPSHALL Manager of Swindon Sanctuary Sexual Assault Referral Centre