Attempt to 'grab credit for decision'

I have read with no small amount of surprise and incredulity the unfolding saga of councillor allowances in Stratton.

Coun Vallender claims that the power of his oration and his moral rectitude has swayed the curmudgeons and greedy old timers on Stratton St Margaret Parish Council and persuaded them not to increase the councillor allowance.

How lucky the parishioners are to have such a principled young man on their side one might think.

I was proud to serve on SSM for over five years, working closely with, amongst others, Tim and Teresa Page and got to know them well.

Time and again they were always some of the first to advocate for the councillor allowance to be frozen and I have no reason to doubt it was the same the last time this came up.

Nevertheless, it has always been a unanimous decision, never once in those years was there any suggestion that it might be increased.

Coun Tara Page once mooted the idea that each councillor might donate their allowance to the Chairman’s charity.

So I take Coun Vallender’s unverified version of events with a huge pinch of salt.

It is hardly surprising however, during an election year, that a painfully obvious attempt at credit grabbing should be made by an ambitious individual, eager to utilise the tactics of gaslighting and misinformation that have become staples in the arsenal of political trickery for senior members within his party.

Mercifully no one will be fooled by so obvious a ploy to ascribe personal victory for a collective decision whilst at the same time attempting to discredit exceedingly dedicated public servants who have a long track record of service to their community.

Matthew Crorkin-Davis

Parish councillor 2016-2021

What have the Tories ever done for us?

With local elections coming up before you vote take a look around Swindon and ask yourself what have the conservative run council done for this town: Shops closed due to high rent, Mechanics' Institute no vision allowed to decay, Oasis leisure centre closed, Blunsdon stadium closed - the list goes on.

However they have shown some vision spending tax payers money on new multi storey car parks lots of spaces to park but hardly anyone using them.

A brand new bus station which is needed if only we had a town worthy of visiting.

Although I do not live in Swindon i was born here I do work here and all of my family live here and am a proud Swindonian so it grieves me to see what is happening.

When canvassing for your votes ask the candidates tough questions on what their vision is for the town and how they plan to make it a place worth visiting again.

Kevin Mitchell

Nightingale Way


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