The 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings brought back emotional memories for one Swindonian.

An Adver reader who gave their name as J.H. Oliver felt compelled to write in after the BBC's coverage of commemorations to mark the historic turning point of the Second World War moved the Cheney Manor neighbour to tears.

The Brooklands Avenue resident wrote: "Watching the BBC brought back memories of half term spring break in 1944.

"Along with schoolmates of Haydon Wick School, we went to the railway line that is now the Cricklade line.

"There we watched trains travelling towards the south coast filled with mostly American servicemen, many of whom were only about 10 to 12 years older than ourselves.

"They had come down from the northwest and although we did not know why but guessed something great was going to happen.

"While we waved and cheered, many waved back and some threw chewing gum and chocolate onto the railway bank.

"We soon searched after the trains had gone by.

"Watching the coverage, this memory caused me to feel very emotional and the thought of many not returning to their home brought tears to my eyes!

"Little did I know that in 10 years' time, I too would be serving in the forces.

"We must not let their lives that were given for our future be forgotten. God rest their souls."