A couple of days before a letter appeared in the Adver, 15th August, I had reason to visit Greenbridge Retail Park.

On walking along Shrivenham Rd I was stopped by a male who was doing some tidying up outside a house, he began by saying ‘What a nice day it was, but what a mess Swindon is now’, to which I replied ‘The world’s a mess, wars, famine, climate change, greed, have all help create the mess we’re in’.

His reply? ‘We’re not allowed to say this, but it’s the foreigners that have messed this country up’, shaking my head in disapproval.

I carried on my walk to Greenbridge, obviously, this man attaches no blame for the current situation the country finds itself in on fourteen years of Tory austerity which took billions out of our public services, wasted billions on the HS2 fiasco, billions wasted on PPE during the Covid pandemic, billions lost to fraud during the same pandemic, £500 million spent and wasted on the Rwanda deportation scheme, and billions spent on wars and supporting wars, (in other words billions spent on causing death, destruction and millions of displaced people and refugees.

Fourteen years of Tory governments that brought the country to its knees, and threw taxpayers' money around like guests throwing confetti at a wedding, if the person who stopped me reads this letter, he may reflect on 14 years of Tory governments that have trashed the country through austerity and wasted billions on failed projects.

Imagine how this vast amount of money could have been better spent on improving the lives of UK citizens, referring back to the letter (It’s hard to discuss differing opinions), yes it can be difficult to discuss opinions, especially when you have a probable xenophobic wanting to talk with you.

Many Thanks
Martin Webb
Old Town